Three Parties in Wonderland
Location: London, Paris, Lisbon.
Three Parties in Wonderland is a series of interactive installations set up in different public-access spaces through London, Paris, and Lisbon in the context of Movement Forum 2021.

Based on three passages from the novels Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll, we designed three stages for the Movement Forum Labs. Three Parties in Wonderland explores how spatial design and the temporary transformation of public space for 'the party' as a mechanism for social encounters can provide insight into the three themes of the 2021 Movement Forum: London Lab. Power and Gender; Paris Lab. Wildness and Queer Counter-Publics; Lisbon Lab. Topographies of the body and landscape. The work was developed together with Theatrum Mundi across three labs that addressed different issues on design and urban mobilities as part of the 2021 Future Architecture European Programme under the theme "Landscapes of Care."

"Through the looking glass", "The wood where things have no name," and "The right size?" together form Three Parties in Wonderland, an alternative narrative in three acts; a continuous design-based exploration of the ways in which self-managed celebrations can entail an opportunity for resistance to the existing rules and established power dynamics that permit/restrict different mobilities in the city.

+ Team: Pablo Castillo, Ernesto Ibáñez, Héctor Suárez.
+ Collaborators and acknowledgements: John Bingham-Hall, Fani Kostourou, Elahe Karimnia, Fem_arc, Rebecca Faulkner, Sara Wookey, Habibitch, Rosario Talevi, Takako Hasegawa, Rafael Alvarez
+ Photos: à la sauvette, Fani Kostorou, Rebecca Faulkner, John Bingham-Hall
+ Collaborators and acknowledgements: John Bingham-Hall, Fani Kostourou, Elahe Karimnia, Fem_arc, Rebecca Faulkner, Sara Wookey, Habibitch, Rosario Talevi, Takako Hasegawa, Rafael Alvarez
+ Photos: à la sauvette, Fani Kostorou, Rebecca Faulkner, John Bingham-Hall